Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE

Welcome to Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE

Looking to lean on your kula for support, inspiration and continued learning?

Kula means “community” and Bhrājana means “illuminating” as in shining light on and allowing light to shine. Kula-Bhrājana Europe Online is a free monthly online gathering that does just that – illuminates, connects and educates our community. 

Our gatherings are a platform to reconnect to our guiding philosophy. We aim to shine the light on all sorts of topics related to yoga or teaching yoga or being a studio owner and collaborate as a community to keep our inner light shining bright. It is our wish to one day bring these online gatherings into in person meetings, so stay tuned for news about it.

A different member of our community will present each month, representing the diversity of languages, inspirations, and ideas that unite us all.

Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE is brought to life by a volunteer team of Country Coordinators from our School’s European Region. Enjoy connecting, collaborating, and taking part in our conversation.

You can join us celebrating the diversity of our European Kula by sending us your suggested topics for ideas or if you want to present your own ideas, then apply here.

Join us LIVE and ONLINE on the 1st Sunday of every month at 20h00 CET  (Central European Time) on Zoom. Be sure to log in early! We will be on the call 15 minutes early to meet each other and socialize before the session begins. 

Note: While the live online event is free, you must REGISTER to attend. 

You will receive a confirmation email with a password to log in to the gathering.

Our Next Online Gathering

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

  • 8pm CET
  • 7pm GMT
  • 2pm EST

Presenters: Elena Lustig (ECAT/ Germany)

Session Language: German (Deutsch)

Nach unten scrollen, um den Inhalt auf Deutsch zu sehen.


ECAT teacher Elena Lustig talks about why Anusara yoga is the perfect foundation for ProAgeYoga and how we as yoga teachers can take better care of ourselves and our students as we grow older.

When do YOU start getting older?
The process of ageing often begins imperceptibly and gradually and we can use this process to learn, deepen and adapt our practice.
First we need to recognize what is changing and then respond accordingly: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

In this call, we will talk about why Tantric philosophy opens up the space for us to better accept our own ageing and what the pro-age attitude in yoga means in concrete terms.
We can’t stop getting older, but we can shape it.

Join us next Sunday, June 2nd 2024 for another interesting meeting to talk about our practice and the ageing process.


ECAT-Lehrerin Elena Lustig spricht darüber, warum Anusara Yoga die perfekte Basis für ProAgeYoga ist und wie wir als Yogalehrer*Innen beim Älterwerden besser für uns selbst und unsere Schüler*Innen sorgen können. 

Ab wann wirst DU älter?

Der Prozess des Älterwerdens beginnt oft unmerklich und schleichend und wir können diesem Prozess nutzen, um dazuzulernen, unsere Praxis zu vertiefen und auch anzupassen. 

Zuerst müssen wir erkennen, was sich verändert, um dann entsprechend zu reagieren: körperlich, mental, emotional und spirituell.

In diesem Call sprechen wir darüber, warum die tantrische Philosophie uns den Raum öffnet, um das eigene Älterwerden besser anzunehmen und was die ProAge-Haltung im Yoga konkret bedeutet.

Wir können das Älterwerden zwar nicht aufhalten, aber wir können es gestalten. 

Kommen Sie am nächsten Sonntag, dem 2. Juni 2024, zu einem weiteren interessanten Treffen, um über unsere Praxis und den Alterungsprozess zu sprechen.

Upcoming Offerings

Stay Tuned!

The Kula-Bhrājana Europe Team is taking a summer break, we are already preparing to resume our meetings on September 1st!

Want to watch a session again?

Did you miss a session?

If you want to watch the sessions again or if you missed any of the sessions, many of our Kula Bhrājana Europe Online recordings may be found on YouTube. Visit our video library our playlist on Anusara’s global YouTube channel.

Anusara’s Global YouTube channel has a Kula Bhrājana Europe Online Playlist.

Give yourself a treat and rewatch our previous sessions at any time of the day.

Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned to our Kula Bhrājana Europe Online playlist for Anusara yoga free continuing education.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kula-Bhrājana Europe  ONLINE?

With Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE, we continue the collaboration, expand the connection and deepen the learning of Anusara methodology and philosophy. 
Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE is open to everyone. Our live online gatherings are free. Furthermore, you may earn Yoga Alliance CEUs if the Presenter is a YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider).

How did the idea for Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE originate?

All through COVID we tried many times to keep the spirit alive in our little kulas. Zoom became a new normal for a lot of us. Inspired by the Samudra Shakti online offerings, created by our kula members in the USA, 7 Country Coordinators of Europe got together to start something European, looking to create a continental connection in our time zone with our teachers.
We desire to keep up the conversation, share, inspire, connect and offer free Continuing Education. High quality and low key. 

Who coordinates Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE?

Our monthly live ONLINE event is coordinated by Anusara teachers in the Europe Region who volunteer their time and talents:
Julia Schlenkert – Germany
Léah Kline – Netherlands
Stella Iglesias – Spain
Ulrik Notlev – Denmark/Scandinavia
Letizzia Wastavino – Austria

I have a topic or an idea to present for Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE. How do I do that?

We are interested in dynamic and diverse presentations from certified yoga teachers, licensed Anusara teachers and SMS’. We believe everyone has something valuable to offer to our community. 

Please apply to present today. When you fill out and submit the online application, you will automatically receive additional information about presenting via email. We are here to help you feel comfortable presenting!

What types of topics may I present for  Kula-Bhrājana Europe ONLINE?

You may present any topic related to Anusara methodology and philosophy. Also, feel welcome to lead an Anusara practice.

For more information or to suggest a topic you would like to see hosted please contact the Kula-Bhrājana Europe team at

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