Our Events

Unlock the Evolution of Anusara Yoga: Workshops with Jacalyn Prete, Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher
Heart of Anusara Worldwide Events
The events listed below includes all Anusara community hosted events and trainings around the world, such as Immersions, teacher trainings, workshops, and gatherings.
We feature the events taking place every month in Anusara News, the School’s newsletter, and on social media.
For Licensed Anusara Teachers
Events must meet 2 criteria to be listed on the website:
The event/training must be advertised by the teacher as an Anusara event.
The teacher hosting and/or teaching must be a licensed Anusara teacher.
Teachers leading Immersions, 200-Hour teacher trainings, or 300-Hour teacher trainings must also meet the School’s standards for teacher trainers.
To submit your training:
Go to the Teachers’ Lounge.
Sign in.
Click on the “Event Registration” button at the top of the page.
Click on “Submit your event or teacher training.”