Meet Our Teacher Trainers

Meet Piero Vivarelli  from Italy

Piero Vivarelli, uno tra gli insegnanti di hatha yoga più influenti in Italia, è il fondatore e il responsabile dei corsi dell’Atma Studio. La riconosciuta abilità di Piero nel guidare gli studenti ad esplorare in profondità e con sicurezza le proprie risorse interiori ed esteriori attraverso l’hatha yoga, nasce dalla sua profonda esperienza del potere della pratica, e dalla passione con cui condivide tale esperienza in modo aperto e sincero. Dedito sin dal 1994 allo yoga in tutti i suoi aspetti tradizionali, ha vissuto in India dal 1997 al 2000. Sin dal 1996 ha studiato con John Friend, fondatore di Anusara Yoga, e con altri insegnanti di fama internazionale – tra i quali Desiree Rumbaugh, Sianna Shermann e Noah Mazé – e nel 2005 è stato il primo italiano a ottenere la certificazione di Anusara Yoga. Nello stesso anno ha fondato l’AtmaStudio di Bologna. Profondamente influenzato dallo studio con professori di filosofie e religioni orientali di fama mondiale quali sono Mark Dyczkowski, Carlos Pomeda, Bill Mahony e Paul Muller Ortega, insegna regolarmente all’AtmaStudio e tiene corsi, training per insegnanti e ritiri in Italia e in altri paesi Europei.

Meet Karen Sprute-Francovich from the United States

Karen Sprute-Francovich, M.A., E-RYT 500, Anusara CATT (Certified Advanced Teacher Trainer) was caught by the current of Yoga in 1972 at the age of 16. 44 years later she is still in love with Yoga’s beauty and power. She began teaching in the Iyengar style of Yoga in 1986. In 1995 she met John Friend and resonated immediately with the philosophy and practices of Anusara and in 2001 she became a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher. Karen is currently serving as co-chair on the curriculum committee for the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and has been writing and refinement of the Anusara Teacher Training Curricula at both the 200 and 300 hour level. She teaches Immersions, Teacher Trainings and Advanced Teacher Trainings at her studio in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho which is a dedicated Anusara Studio with 7 excellent teachers, all of whom teach Anusara Yoga.

Karen’s two main aims in terms of teaching include:

Teaching, inspiring, motivating and mentoring other teachers.

Inspiring – via her teaching –  a “return to the body”, an awakening of the Shakti of embodiment via imagery theme and poetry.

Karen is a writer and lover of poetry and prose, a dedicated meditator, a mother of two amazing sons, and the lucky partner to her long-time husband Chris. She thrives on stories, nearness to water, swimming and hiking.

Meet Masaru Utsuno from Japan

Masaru is a dedicated Certified teacher. He says he what he loves most about Anusara Yoga is aligning with nature and he teaches it because it is artistic and scientific.

Meet Xiaoqing Lu from China

Xiaoqing Lu is a wonderful Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher serving their kula in China.

If you would like to learn more about Xiaoqing Lu’s classes, feel free to send an email to

Meet Denise Stottmann from USA

She is a native of Louisville and has enjoys athletic activities such as bicycling, volleyball, running, and hiking. In December 1987, she graduated from University of Louisville Speed Scientific School with a Master of Engineering and she also married her husband, Ed Stottmann. After working as an engineer for five years, she chose to stay home with her three children. She discovered her passion for teaching while attending music classes with her children and taught music and movement to 200 preschool and kindergarten aged children for 16 years. She became interested in yoga when one of her daughters did yoga for physical therapy and she has been practicing Anusara Yoga since 2006. She became the owner of Infinite Bliss Yoga in July 2011.

Denise is inspired by sharing the connections she continually makes between science and math and the body, mind and heart. If you happen to miss Science Friday on NPR, not to worry, Denise will fill you in on the mat! She continues to be amazed at how the alignment principles continue to benefit her varied athletic endeavors and how the heart qualities of Anusara Yoga inspire her in both her professional and personal life. She loves to help others discover the therapeutic and healing properties of yoga. She teaches studio, corporate, and private classes.

Meet Bridget Woods Kramer from UK

Bridget Woods Kramer began her yoga practices in India in 1975 and embarked on an intense program of study to become a senior teacher. Interweaving her visionary background within the fitness industry together with her love of meditation and yoga asana Bridget teaches with enthusiasm, sensitivity and insight, conveying yogas potential to support us in living and serving with love. You’ll enjoy an inspirational and dynamic, yet playful class with a mix of flow and strong alignment principles, entwined with yoga philosophy.

Bridget teaches regular Anusara® classes in Cornwall and at triyoga in London as well as offering workshops, teacher training’s, immersions and retreats all over the world; awakening and inspiring a most diverse and creative student body. Her steady enthusiasm, humour, depth of knowledge and humility sets a shining example and her many students are devoted to her tireless effort and rich understanding.
With great Love, Bridget acknowledges Gurumayi Chidvilasanda as her principal teacher and offers gratitude and love to John Friend. Other great influences have been Shandor Remite, Chuck & Maty (Yoga Works) Gabriella Guibalaro, Donna Holleman, and Lisa Walford, Rodney Yee & Patricia Walden & of course Krishna Das.

Meet Gaby Zermeño from Mexico

Gaby is an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT). In her teacher profile, she writes, “I am totally grateful to share this practice that has changed my life and for that reason, I am really committed to my mission of helping others in the transformation process to recognize what they truly are, to love, accept and heal themselves and to reveal its best, giving a clear and precise map to a more fulfilled life.”
Gaby offers many wonderful teacher training programs, including a 300-hour teacher training that begins in April.

Gaby is an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT). In her teacher profile, she writes, “I am totally grateful to share this practice that has changed my life and for that reason, I am really committed to my mission of helping others in the transformation process to recognize what they truly are, to love, accept and heal themselves and to reveal its best, giving a clear and precise map to a more fulfilled life.”
Gaby offers many wonderful teacher training programs, including a 300-hour teacher training that begins in April.

Meet Tiffany Wood from the USA

Tiffany is also an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT). On Tiffany’s website, she explains, “Yoga transformed my life. I sought the physical practice 26 years ago to relieve debilitating migraines I’d struggled with since childhood. I finally found relief through Anusara® yoga. After three months of consistent practice, the migraines abated and I stopped medications. Years later, this spiritual practice also helped me heal a broken neck from a skiing injury. The wisdom of yoga continues to guide me through a process of radical self-discovery—both on and off my mat.”

Check out Tiffany’s website to learn more about her classes, teacher trainings, and retreats.

Meet Vilas and Lalla Turske from Germany

Vilas and Lalla (both Experienced Certified Anusara teachers) opened the first Anusara Yoga studio in Germany in 2004. Since then, they have offered many Anusara teacher trainings. Vilas translated the Anusara teacher’s manual from English to German in 2018 and together with Lalla published Inspiration and Orientation. 

In his yoga workshops and seminars, Vilas conveys the essence of the finely and precisely aligned, heart-determined Anusara Yoga. His instructions are characterized by playful joy, touching depth and content that promotes freedom. Lalla has a wonderfully soft, empathetic yet powerful teaching approach that allows students to discover and develop their inner possibilities. 
To learn more about this dynamic team and their many offerings, visit their website.

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