General Profile

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AY License Category

Anusara Elements Yoga Teacher


Coeur D'Alene

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Yoga Bio

Claire has been a dedicated yoga practitioner for over 12 years. She received her 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (200-RYT) certification from Garden Street School of Yoga in Coeur d’Alene, ID and is a registered Anusara Elements teacher. Claire’s goal as a yoga teacher is to share her passion for the practice, by allowing students to connect to their own bodies in a space where they can feel inspired, comfortable, and most importantly, safe. When she is not on her mat Claire is an avid runner & cyclist. She first began taking yoga classes to stretch after a hard workout. As she dove deeper into her practice it became a sanctuary from her fast-paced lifestyle. She believes strongly that yoga and meditation practices have allowed her to push the limits in reaching her athletic goals injury free. She has competed in 6 full marathons, numerous half-marathons, and various distance triathlons, including one half Ironman.

Weekly Class Schedule

Monthly community classes at Post Ride @ 5:30pm

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

What I love most above Anusara Yoga is it allows me to connect to my body in a way unlike any other. The alignment principals help me feel strong and confident in the postures. In Anusara it’s not about the deepest form of the pose, it’s about the optimal form of the pose for your body at that time. It’s about connecting to you truest self and shining bright!

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

I teach Anusara because I trust in it’s philosophies and I want to share it with my students, so that they can connect you their highest selves.

Why do you license with Anusara?

To be involved with the Anusara community and to deepen my growth in the practice.

Displayed Name

Claire Kincaid-Slate