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AY License Category

Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher





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Latin America/Caribbean

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Yoga Bio

“Yoga has profoundly changed my life, giving me clear road map to happiness” Gaby Zermeño Certified Anusara yoga teacher and founder of Prema Yoga.

I am totally grateful to share this practice that has changed my life and for that reason, I am really commitment to my mission of helping other in the transformation process to recognize what they truly are, to love, accept and heal themselves and to reveal its best, giving a clear and precise map to a more fulfilled life.
In 1999 I started my spiritual journey with the practice of meditation, following the deepest desire of my heart to connect with my inner peace, and looking forward to release myself of stress, tensión, anxiety and my pattern to compensate my feeling of “not being good enough” trying to do and achieve more.
It was in 2001, in my first yoga class, where I realized that this practice was something that my heart was been yearning for so long. 3 years later, I was fortunate to find my way in Anusara Yoga, which helped me to connect with true love, self acceptance and understanding of my own greatness. Thought out it’s philosophy, I was able to understand that that our nature is intrinsically good, auspicious and pure bliss, that life is meant to be celebrated in every instance and that we come to co-create with the Universe.
With the time, my practice gave relief to the chronic pain that I had in my knees and lower back for more than 15 years.
I am deeply grateful to my teachers that have inspired and guided me along the way.

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Gaby Zermeño