General Profile

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AY License Category

Anusara Elements Yoga Teacher



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Yoga Bio

After practicing various forms of yoga for several years, I found Anusara in Rapid City, South Dakota, through classes with Doc Savage, in 2011, and found a love and passion for the Anusara philosophy and practice. I completed 200-hour teaching training in 2018 and am an Anusara Elements teacher.

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

I love the focus on Universal Alignment principles, and in particular, open to grace. Anusara’s emphasis on kula is also one of my favorite things about the practice.

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

Anusara spoke to me, as a practice of service to community. I have always sought ways to be of service to the world, and sharing and spreading Anusara is one of the ways that I do that. When I first started practicing Anusara, I had a very stressful job, worked long hours, and was a single mother, and the anxiety and stress had started manifesting itself in physical ways. Anusara gave me a space to find strength in myself and to manage anxiety and stress in a healthy way. I have a passion for sharing that healing with others.

Why do you license with Anusara?

I license with Anusara yoga because the practice of Anusara resonates deeply with me and I want to share that with other people. Licensing helps Anusara teachers around the world connect with each other and grows our Kula, and it helps to protect the integrity of the practice and the hard work and commitments of Anusara teachers. Anusara has impacted my life in so many, beautiful, powerful, and positive ways, and together, we can spread that good.

Displayed Name

Jennifer Benning