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Anusara-Inspired Yoga Teacher





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Justine Thompson Yoga

Yoga Bio

Yoga for me, began in my 20’s when I was in Sydney, Australia. I started practicing Iyengar Yoga with a teacher who was tough but so full of knowledge and passion that despite my hectic lifestyle I found myself in her class at least twice a week.
Moving around Australia for work I found a class where ever I could and tried lots of different styles and teachers.
Initially I practiced for how my body felt after time on the mat and the strength I developed over time I appreciated the emotional and mental benefits of a steady practice.
Jumping ahead I settled with my family on 100 acres, in a small community in NSW where I was introduced to Anusara Yoga by my teacher, Christine du Fresne. This was my next big step on a steep and rich learning curve.
As an Anusara Inspired™ yoga teacher I have an interest in helping people to begin their yoga journey or getting back onto the mat after an injury. I am a student of yoga first and foremost with an ongoing focus on expanding my knowledge and skill as a teacher.

Weekly Class Schedule

Refer to my website for current schedule

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

Anusara Yoga has a commitment to teaching with a strong knowledge and understanding of anatomy. I value the power of working with alignment on the mat, not just physical alignment but the alignment of energy and attitude within.
I love the non-dual Tantric philosophy that underpins all of Anusara Yoga. The understanding that everything is an expression of Divine Consciousness regardless of form or experience. The teachings are rich and grounded in love.
In an Anusara class we look to find the best expression of each pose available to every student on the day, with safe alignment cues and variations, and we step out of focusing only on the physical to open our hearts to Grace. Practicing with a focus on being open to the possibilities of life enriches my practice, teaches me more and creates more value for more time on the mat.
We welcome all people into our community, celebrating the diversity and beauty of life. and we have some fun.

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

Studying Anusara Yoga with Christine Du Fresne taught me so much about myself, studentship and the curriculum of Anusara Teacher training. I look at other schools of teaching and I feel blessed to have chosen to embark on a long period as a student and apprentice. I have learnt to look for solid, well researched information to guide me as a teacher in all areas. I teach Anusara Yoga because Tantra as a non-dual philosophy is about knowing Divine Consciousness in myself and in all. As a woman, mother and teacher I feel that Tantric philosophy opens my heart to life, to integrating loving awareness as I experience the ups and downs of life. My desire as a teacher is to help others to access this life affirming attitude through Anusara Yoga -asana, pranayama and meditation.

Why do you license with Anusara?

I value the community of Anusara Yoga; the supportive kula of other practitioners who teach with strong alignment principles, who integrate a theme into each class that aligns with non dual Tantric philosophy and encourage students to open to Grace. Anusara yoga has transformed my practice and my life in many powerful and wonderful ways and I feel that maintaining my license is a reflection of my values as a teacher. Licensing supports the ongoing connection of Anusara teachers spread around the world and makes it easier to find Anusara teachers.

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Justine Thompson