General Profile

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AY License Category

Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher



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Yoga Bio

As a Certified Anusara Yoga Instructor, I have been blessed with the best – the best teachers, the best mentors, and the best students. My goal as a yoga instructor is to impart to students the skills to venture into classes with different styles and different teachers, and leave those classes feeling empowered; not just to ‘do’ the poses, but to keep themselves safe in the poses. My teaching style is one of exploration — working with poses, traveling through the blessings and the pitfalls. Since I often hear the phrase “that was good; it was different”, I’ve adopted the mantra “different = awesome”. When you explore the definitions of each word, you will come upon the word ‘fear’. Different is scary, as is awesome; but, stepping into something ‘different’ is often what I need to do in order to grow. Yoga is a journey, peppered along the trail with boulders to crawl over. Leatt the exploration begin!

In 2017, I enrolled in the 4-year Yoga Therapy training at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles. In 2021, I gained Certification in the International Association of Yoga Therapists. I have an office (separate from my weekly class schedule) in which I see individuals for Yoga Therapy, individual yoga training, and mentoring.

Weekly Class Schedule

Mondays, 10:30am Anusara Yoga, Sage Yoga Studios, Fallbrook, CA (
Tuesdays, 9:00am Yoga Basics, Sage Yoga Studios, Bonsall, CA
Thursdays, 10:30am Anusara Yoga, Sage Yoga Studios, Fallbrook, CA
Fridays, 9:00am, Yoga Basics, Sage Yoga Studios, Bonsall, CA

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

Attitude (positive), Alignment (smart), Accepting (non-discriminative)

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

Inspiring – I was and continue to be inspired by the Anusara (present & former) teachers in my life; I work to share their passion.
Accepting – Each of us comes with a unique background; there are no ‘cookie-cutter’ poses; Anusara allows me to work with the group AND the individual.
Therapeutic – Even when modified, the practice is intrinsically beneficial to those attending my classes.

Why do you license with Anusara?

For the educational benefits and the community.

Displayed Name

Leslie Salmon