General Profile

First Name


Last Name


AY License Category

Anusara Elements Yoga Teacher





Regional Location

Latin America/Caribbean

Email Address



Yoga Bio

Started her yoga practice in 2015 and instantly felt the benefits of Anusara Yoga in her life, since then, her practice has been constant.

Her Anusara Yoga Teacher Training was done in Ecuador under the guide of Gianni Chavez and Laura Dulcey, her inspiring teachers.
Has practiced Anusara Yoga with different teachers around the world: in Argentina with Camila Maquieira and Franco Carbone, in Mexico with Marcia Uruchurtu, in Spain with Gisela Vazquez and in London with Bridget Woods Kramer. Infinite gratitude to all her teachers.

As of her teaching experience, has experience in teaching in studio and private classes, also has experience in teaching classes in English as has taught to tourists/guests of an Hosteria in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.

Currently, she is an Online Anusara Elements Yoga Teacher and her classes are focused in internal strength and life’s celebration.
Her desire is to transmit the benefits she has received from Anusara Yoga to her students.

Weekly Class Schedule

Online Anusara Yoga
8.30PM Ecuador Time
*Other schedules arranged as per students’ needs

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

I love the most of Anusara Yoga that it is yoga led by the heart.

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

I teach Anusara Yoga to inspire and get inspiration from students. To help awake a new level of consciousness.

Why do you license with Anusara?

Anusara Yoga is the yoga style that represents me the most.

Displayed Name

Maggie Urrutia