General Profile

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AY License Category

Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher





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Sunshine Kula Yoga

Yoga Bio

I firstly was a Physical Education/ Educational Dance, and General Science school teacher. I began Yoga as a child as mother was a teacher so I slid into teaching in Barbados my home island in 2000. Always having an interest in wellness and movement I trained as a Reflexologist and has been practicing since 2002.
My initial Teacher training was with Integrative Yoga Therapy(Joseph le Page) and later continued  studies to 500 hour Yoga therapist.
Jonas Westring was the bio-mechanics teacher so the seed was already set with Anusara and I trained with him in Thai Yoga Massage.
When Anusara teacher Sara- Rose was brought to Barbados early 2005 for a workshop the Anusara practice truly took root !
I studied mainly in US and became  Anusara Inspired Teacher in late 2007. In 2012 I opened my  studio ‘ Sunshine Kula Yoga Studio’ which I still teach at and run. I became a Certified Anusara teacher in 2018.

Weekly Class Schedule

Monday 6.00pm Level 2 Anusara Align & Flow
Tuesday 9..30a.m Therapeutics
Wednesday 9.30a.m Anusara Foundations 2,   6.00pm Therapeutics & R&R
Thursday 6.45am Rise & Shine Sun Salutaions( Beach),  9.30am Mixed level Back Care & Move,  7.15pm Level 1 Anusara
Friday 8.30 am Level 1 Core focus,  10.00 am level2/3 Anusara Align & Flow
Saturday 9.00am Mixed Level Anusara Align & Flow
Full details on website plus other classes

What do you love most about Anusara Yoga?

I love opening to Grace. I love that it has taught me and invites me over and over to connect deep within to align with the currents of Grace and remind me what is there. The magic of this comes from a great system and amazing teachers which has given me the great gift of intertwining heart/mind with precision in my body alignment to bring such joy. The feeling and expression which I am deeply grateful for sometimes explodes, sometimes gently unfolds and always encourages me to wish to share this with others. It moves me.

Why do you teach Anusara yoga?

I love teaching a system that I know and trust is good for others. I am confidant that students are safe and leave feeling good.
I believe it’s requirement of incorporating life lessons and inspiration is key to the essence of teaching good yoga.
To help build better relationships. I feel good, I know that I have changed, grown and can continue to expand potential so hope that each individual will inspire others to a happier, healthier world. I hope that local abundance of all that is good reaches beyond each student, family…. community to globally. Anusara supports this recognition of union and the good of our earth and beyond.

Why do you license with Anusara?

As in Bio. will add more

Displayed Name

Pamela Harris