
Muscle Energy

Muscle Energy helps yoga students integrate strength and cultivate stability.What is Muscle Energy? As one of Anusara Yoga’s Universal Principles of Alignment, Muscle Energy is a current of energy that firms inward from periphery to core.Muscle Energy brings qualities of strength, support, and assurance to yoga poses. It’s an intensifying energy that offers stability.As well, […]

Meet Our Mentor – Suzanne Faith

We chatted with our mentor, Suzanne Faith about her experience with Anusara and why she decided to become an Anusara mentor! Tell us a little about yourself.I’m deeply passionate about exploring our internal capacities to heal and grow as human beings and have spent over three decades deeply immersed into the teachings and methodologies of […]

Seeing the Good

For most of us, “seeing the good” often does not come naturally. Yet, it’s one of the quintessential teachings of Anusara Yoga’s philosophy. When we first embark on the path of “seeing the good,” we often discover that it’s easier to see the good in others.In a world where we are constantly being graded, it’s […]

Anusara Yoga’s Universal Principles of Alignment & Embodiment

Anusara Yoga’s Universal Principles of Alignment may help us cultivate embodiment. When we experience the same yoga poses, year after year, using the surprisingly basic, yet phenomenal, template of the Universal Principles of Alignment (UPAs), we often recognize something occurring that is much deeper than shape, rules, or outer protocols. Anusara Yoga’s Universal Principles of […]

Meet Our Mentor – Letizzia Wastavino

We chatted with our mentor copy Meet Our Mentor – Letizzia Wastavino about her experience with Anusara and why she decided to become an Anusara mentor! Tell us about yourself.I am Letizzia Wastavino, a Certified Anusara teacher, studio owner, and mentor. I am Chilean, but I live in Austria. I have worked behind the scenes […]

Meet Our Mentor – Rachel Dewan

We chatted with our mentor Rachel Dewan about her experience with Anusara and why she decided to become an Anusara mentor! Tell us about yourself.Rachel Dewan, an Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher (ECAT), has been teaching yoga for almost 20 years. She teaches weekly public and private classes as well as workshops, Immersions, Teacher Trainings and […]

Judyth Hill’s Poetry Workshop

The following participants of Judyth Hill’s poetry workshop gave permission for their poems to be published in the newsletter. January 28, 2023WILL DORANMay you taste heaven’s honeyand may it sweeten your blood-blue body.May you sip from the golden galaxy of GraceMay you hear the music of unstruck strings,the thousand tiny tonguesof your fellow travelerscarrying your […]

3 Ways to Activate Muscle Energy

Anusara Yoga’s 2nd Universal Principle of Alignment – Muscle Energy – may help you draw from periphery to core.Activate Muscular Energy through a Mental Map Anusara Yoga’s 2nd Universal Principle of Alignment (UPA) is Muscular Energy. As a hallmark of Anusara’s methodology, UPA’s help us connect with all parts of ourselves through our appendages (arms […]

Meet Our Mentor – Lalla Turske

We chatted with our mentor Lalla Turske about her experience with Anusara and why she decided to become an Anusara mentor! I am Lalla (Lalleshvari), an Experienced Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher (ECAT), a nutritionist and psychotherapist. But my main focus is training future Anusara teachers.I have been teaching Anusara Yoga since 2004 and got Certified […]

Benefits of Yoga Inner Stability

Anusara Yoga practitioners at a global yoga retreat practice Padangusthasana (hand to big toe pose) which relies on inner stability.Yoga Cultivates Inner Stability Through steady yoga practice, we recognize a feeling of inner stability on all levels of our being. When we feel a constant inner stability in our mind, body, and hearts, we discover […]

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