
A New Principles Course Curriculum that Anusara-Inspired™ Teachers Can Teach

As of November 1st, 2021, Anusara-Inspired teachers will be permitted to lead workshops on the Universal Principles of Alignment™ (UPAs). The UPA workshop was previously reserved for Certified Anusara Teachers. However, as our School has evolved, we recognize that Anusara-Inspired teachers have the required experience to effectively lead students through a UPA workshop. We also […]

Reflections from Samavesha 2021 ONLINE

“The Anusara kula is a support network of infinite possibilities…that enables each other to hold this potential.”Judyth Hill, poet and presenter To learn about Judyth, visit her website. “The quality of the teachers always astonishes me & makes me feel Very humble to be part of this community.”Anonymous (from a completed evaluation)

Thank you, Karen Sprute-Francovich!

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s Board of Directors and staff would like to take this opportunity to thank and honor Karen Sprute-Francovich for her dedication, selfless service and her unwavering commitment to the School’s Curriculum Committee and to our School. Last month, Karen gracefully stepped down from her role as Curriculum Committee Co-Coordinator. As […]

The 7 Loops in Chinese

Chen Ya has graciously shared a diagram of the Seven Loops in Chinese with us, and we wanted to make sure you had access to it as well. Did you know Chen Ya has hosted a total of 101 Kula practices for 1,018 students since January 2021! Wow! That is amazing!

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