

New KULA in China

Watch videos on original post Read Spring in 2021 We started an idea. Why not let our kula extend beyond the Xingya Yoga Center? Let more people practice Come and feel the charm of Anusara. Identify teachers, confirm venues, confirm time… polish the course, starting from the Spring Festival holiday Teacher Chen Ya is at […]

George Floyd Statement

An Open Letter from our Board of Directors Meet Our Board Anusara is a global community that heavily relies on Tantric teachings: We are all connected. Our love extends throughout the world. When there is pain, inequality and racism anywhere, it is our obligation to work towards healing, equality, growth, and enlightenment.  Through our Tantric […]

Anusara Around the World

Our robust network of amazing volunteer Country Coordinators play a vital role in the School! They keep information flowing from the teachers in their country to the School’s Board of Directors, staff, and committees. They also communicate important information from the School and the Board to teachers. This two-way communication helps us all stay connected […]

Things you may not have known about the Teacher’s Lounge

Tour the Anusara Yoga Teacher’s Lounge The Teachers’ Lounge is full of important and interesting information!  School updates & teacher notificationsTeaching resourcesLicense prerequisitesInstructions on how to upgrade your licenseForms to list your Anusara event to the School’s website event’s calendarUpdate your Anusara licensed teacher directory profileAnd more… Check out this 4-minute introductory tour and take […]

The Board of Directors Invites you to Apply

Dear Friends of the Anusara Yoga Community,  As a teacher-led school, serving on the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s Board of Directors is a wonderful way to learn new skills, share your knowledge and experience, make new friends and bring to life the School’s core values of collaboration and unity within diversity! Besides, you learn […]

fairy tales

The World Needs Fairy Tales

Hi,Anusara yogini | 叮叮老师 Teacher Anusara Elements Ding Ding A Shanghai girl from Beijing, now lives in Changsha. During her study in the UK, she majored in art design and advertising management and worked for large foreign enterprises in Beijing and Shanghai after returning to China. In 2011, she founded his first yoga life hall […]


How can we best serve you?

Anusara Elements & Anusara-Inspired Teachers If you are a current or former Anusara Elements or Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher, please take this 3-minute survey so we can continue building a community that benefits all of our members.

As Seasons Change, So Does Leadership…

Thank you, Tiffany! Since 2017, Tiffany Wood–ECAT and co-author of the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s Compassionate Communications Framework–has served with grace, dignity, skill and steadfastness as the leader of the School’s Community Resiliency Team. In that capacity, she trained many Anusara teachers to use this framework to navigate difficult conversations, thereby building our collective […]

Welcome to Peru’s New Country Coordinator – Ericka Vera

A few words from Ericka: Llegué a Anusara Yoga sin saber en el 2017. Me invitaron a una celebración del Día Internacional del Yoga y ahí descubrí que había un mundo profundo en el Yoga y que hasta ese entonces había conocido una pequeña parte. Me quedé enamorada con lo espiritual que fue esa clase. […]

Embark on the Anusara Yoga Teacher’s Path

Start your journey or find where you are on Anusara’s Professional Development Continuum. Then, learn the prerequisites required to keep moving forward. An Anusara yoga teacher’s main intention is to serve each and every student of all ages and levels.  Our teachers are trained on multiple levels: yogic history and philosophy, biomechanics, anatomy, and refined […]

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