
Embark on the Anusara Yoga Teacher’s Path

Start your journey or find where you are on Anusara’s Professional Development Continuum. Then, learn the prerequisites required to keep moving forward.An Anusara yoga teacher’s main intention is to serve each and every student of all ages and levels. Our teachers are trained on multiple levels: yogic history and philosophy, biomechanics, anatomy, and refined teaching skills. […]

Reflection & Gratitude

Dear Friends of Anusara Yoga,As we enter 2021, it is important to reflect on 2020 and offer our gratitude. I am grateful and thank you for your ongoing support — your volunteer efforts, your donations, and your continuing devotion to Anusara Yoga. Briefly, in 2020, you helped the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga to:Take Samavesha online — […]

The School would like to hear your thoughts on new products

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga is exploring the development of an Anusara product line. We want your input! Please complete the survey by Tuesday, March 9, and rate the products on a scale from 1-5. Take the Survey Teachers, ask your students to take the survey!If you need to translate this form into your […]

Enhance your practice with this NEW guide

Therapeutic Applications of Anusara Yoga –Teacher’s Guide NOW AVAILABLE! Contact to purchase your single copy.Our new Therapeutic Applications of Anusara Yoga – Teacher’s Guide is now available for purchase by licensed Anusara yoga teachers and Anatomy/Therapy Subject Matter Specialists.This generous offering, recently created by five of our more experienced Anusara teachers, was created to […]


Do you know someone with expertise in the field of nonprofit fundraising?

The Anusara School of Hatha Yoga’s Board of Directors is committed to diversifying the School’s revenue sources so that we can decrease the School’s financial dependence on our amazing teachers.To do this, please help the School’s Fundraising Committee identify experts in the fundraising field who are familiar with the nonprofit sector and willing to do […]


Despite the pandemic, signs of growth abound!

More Anusara teachers renewed their license in January 2021 than in January 2020!  Three (3) Certified teachers have received their ECAT (Experienced Certified Anusara Teacher) license since January! Annie Jacob (USA) Laura Casini (Italy) Caterina Cortellini (Italy) The School continues to receive applications for first-time teachers, thanks to our wonderful teacher trainers who have adapted […]


Congratulations to our amazing teachers at all levels!

June 2022 SPAIN Paola Idini Teacher Trainer: Andrés Pérez USA April Quitter Teacher Trainer: Robin Christ  ITALY & SWITZERLAND Stefano Angeloni Laura Traus Susanna Galli Elena Filippi Giorgia Corrias Teacher Trainers: Piero Vivarelli and Caterina Cortellini  GERMANY Mandy Preiß Teacher Trainer: Christina Lobe  Stephanie Bock Teacher Trainer: Nicole Konrad Lea Krömer Teacher Trainers: Vilas Turske […]


Professional Development Online

MONDAY, MAY 17, 2021 | Information Session for Graduates of an Anusara Teacher Training | Time: 17h-18h Spain CET / 11am-12pm New York ESTLanguage: SPANISHPresenters: Letizzia Wastavino & Stella IglesiasThis information session will give you an overview of our different license levels and information on the benefits and prerequisites of becoming an Anusara yoga teacher. […]

Teacher Trainer Updates – February 2021

EN: Please use the website translation feature above to translate into your languageESP: Utilice la función de traducción de sitios web anterior para traducir a su idiomaDEU: Bitte verwenden Sie die oben genannte Website-Übersetzungsfunktion, um in Ihre Sprache zu übersetzenITA: Utilizza la funzione di traduzione del sito Web sopra per tradurre nella tua lingua请使用网站翻译功能以您的语言阅读February 4th, […]

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