
Anusara News – Feb. 2, 2021

EVENTSHelp plan Samavesha 2021 Online this September!Are you interested in helping to plan this special event? Contact Operations Team Coordinator Kim Friedman on Slack or via email ( if you are interested in serving on the Samavesha Planning Committee. Volunteers will receive a modest stipend. Committee participation requires attendance at weekly meetings and work between […]

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How the School Protects Your Investment and Vision for Growth as a Licensed Teacher

Dear Anusara Teacher,As a licensed Anusara teacher, you have committed to uphold high standards of integrity and alignment with Anusara’s principles and methods and our shared vision. You have invested in your own growth, personally and professionally, through the attainment of your license, continuing education and your teachings. Each year you reiterate your commitment and […]

That Specific Day

By Ania O’Connor Anusara Element™ Yoga Teacher     I remember that day very well – the day I was introduced to Anusara Yoga. I had been practicing yoga for over ten years, at times more intensively and regularly than others. I’d even had thoughts of becoming a yoga teacher someday. I had just […]

Equanimity – The Practice of Upeksa for Aligning with the Divine

By Bill Dorigan Subject Matter Specialist     This article explores the meaning and practice of equanimity, a common translation for the word “upeksa” in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.33. The purpose of this exploration is to assist yoga teachers and practitioners in more effectively aligning with the Divine, experiencing a richer life, and more […]

Through the Lens of Abundance

By Jeannine Plaiche Certified Anusara® Yoga Teacher, Director of Professional Development     I am more than excited to be in this new role as Director of Professional Development (PD). Although I have been a volunteer with the School since 2013, sitting in the director’s chair has given me a new perspective and appreciation for […]

Licensing News and Renewal – Marga [7th Edition]

By Ory Brown Member, ASHY Operations Team  Anusara Elements™ Teacher     Despite the global shutdown, we are pleased to welcome these new Anusara teachers in 2020: ASIA-PACIFIC CERTIFIED Masaru Utsuno Elisa Bei INSPIRED Mabel Ang Jia Song Justine Thompson Niki Roulin Yang ELEMENTS Piangta Apiwong Phusadee Sirichanyakul Ing-orn Vimonchandra Chotirose Jullapo Watcharaporn Puttaluk Yuhua […]

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