
Meet Our Mentor – Laura Dulcey

We chatted with our mentor Laura Dulcey about her experience with Anusara and why she decided to become an Anusara mentor! Tell us a little about yourselfHi, I’m Laura Dulcey, Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher from Guayaquil, Ecuador.Anusara came into my life in 2008 by the hand of my teacher and friend, Benita Wolfe Galvan and […]

Circadian Rhythm and 3 A’s

Relationship of Circadian Rhythm and Anusara’s 3 A’s Understanding the relationship of our natural circadian rhythm and Anusara’s 3 A’s helps us make skillful self care choices. As well, through steady practice we may increase energy expand awareness connect to our true dharma. What is Circadian Rhythm? Often, circadian rhythm is defined as our sleep […]

Yoga Class Themes

Precious Gift of Theming In Anusara yoga, we are known for an incredible methodology of teaching safe and effective pose alignment. We are also blessed with the “precious gift of theming.”  Licensed teachers are required to demonstrate proficiency in creating evocative yoga class themes that accentuate a positive heart quality, such as courage joy gratitude. […]

Meet Our Mentors – Jayendra Hanley

Learn more about Jayendra Hanley in his mini interview below!Tell us a little about yourself.I began practising hatha yoga in 1977 at the age of 23. That led me to the meditation path of Siddha Yoga, so I’ve been devoted to these practices most of my life.  In the early 1990’s, I met John Friend […]

6 Easy Ways to Connect with the Divine Feminine

Anusara Yoga recognizes the sacredness of divine feminine and masculine attributes.Divine Feminine Meaning As we explore easy ways to connect with the divine feminine, there’s value in establishing meaning. Here’s a few widely accepted definitions. divine – of, from, or like God or a god; excellent, delightful feminine – having qualities or appearance traditionally associated […]

8 Ways to Open to Grace

Gain practical ways to step into the flow of Grace with these easy actions. Open to Grace is Anusara Yoga’s First Principle in its Universal Principles of Alignment. Often tasks on the spiritual path may seem elusive, burdensome, or require us to retreat or get away in order to access the experience of inner / […]

Open to Grace

Open to Grace is a Recognition “Open to Grace” is one of Anusara Yoga’s premier gifts to the contemporary world of hatha yoga. Since its inception in 1997, Anusara Yoga practitioners begin each asana, pranayama, philosophy lecture, and community gathering with a moment of recognition, as individuals and as a collective kula, by invoking Grace.  […]

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